Articles in professional journals


A.F.G. Taktak, N. Eckersley-Waites (Link)

Engineering better care: Royal Academy of Engineering reportScope, vol 27, no 1, pp 38-39 (2018) 


A.F.G. Taktak (Link)

Uses and miuses of the P valueScope, vol 25, no 3, pp 27-28 (2016) 


A.F.G. Taktak (Link)

Science without borders: Brazilian International student research, Scope, vol 25, no 3, pp 44-46 (2016)


G. Dempsey, A.F.G. Taktak, J. P. McCarthy (Link)

Lack of NHS engineers need urgent action, Scope, vol 24, no 2, pp 4-16 (2015) 


A.F.G. Taktak (Link)

Residential course in Biomedical Engineering, Scope, vol 24, no 2, pp 18-21 (2015) 


A.F.G. Taktak, J. P. McCarthy (Link)

Pathways towards CEng for Clinical Biomedical Engineers, Scope, vol 23, no 3, pp 20-24 (2014) 


A.F.G. Taktak (Link)

Statistical Paradoxes: When Maths and Logic Collide, Scope, vol 19, issue 4, pp 23-25 (2010)


A.F.G. Taktak (Link)

Medical Physics and Engineering Conference: Meeting Report, Scope, vol 19, no 1, pp 33-37 (2010)


A.F.G. Taktak (Link)

An introduction to the 2009 ASM in Liverpool: A world-class city, Scope, vol 18, no 1, pp 46 (2009)


M.C. Brown, A.F.G. Taktak

International standard for routine electrical safety testing of medical electrical equipment, Scope, vol 16, no 1, pp 11-13 (2007)


A.F.G. Taktak, M.C. Brown

Electrical safety testing of medical equipment: Results of a National Survey, Scope, vol 14, no 3, pp 6-8 (2005) 


A.F.G. Taktak

26th International Conference of the IEEE EMBS: Travel Bursary Award Report, Scope, vol 13, no 4, pp 33-35 (2004)


A.F.G. Taktak

1st European workshop on the assessment of diagnostic performance (EWADP), Scope, vol 13, no 3, pp 44-45 (2004)


A.F.G. Taktak

Bringing intelligence to anaesthesia: Meeting Report. Scope, vol 12, no 1, pp 32-33 (2003).


A. Taktak

Physiological measurement. Special Feature, Scope, vol 10, no 4 pp 9 (2001).


A. Nevill, A. Taktak

Prototype, design, modification and testing of medical devices. Scope, vol 9, no 3, pp 22-23 (2000).


A. Taktak

Applications of expert systems in physiological measurements. Scope, vol 9, no 1, pp 22-24 (2000).



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