Hidden gems

Still want more? Here’s a list of places to go that offer something special:

Due to the ever-changing nature of the situation we are currently in, please do check with restaurants, attractions and accommodation providers before visiting by calling ahead or checking their websites directly.

  • Baltic Bakehouse - Visit for outstanding breads, pastries, and doughnuts. Don't forget their breakfast and lunch menu!
  • Hot Water Comedy Club and Laughterhouse Comedy are the city's biggest comedy clubs.
  • St John’s Gardens – Hidden behind St George’s Hall is a lovely garden area, perfect for sunny days.
  • Your Yoga Studio and The Yoga Hub offer hot yoga, giving you the chance to experience exercise and mindfulness all in one go. They both have deals for unlimited classes.
  • Anglican Cathedral Rooftop – Make your way to the top of the Cathedral for exquisite views over the city.
  • 92 Degrees Coffee – They roast their own coffee beans in-house! It’s near campus too, so it’s an ideal place to go during deadline season.
  • Kazimier Garden – Easily missed, this place has wood-fires, live music, and a bar. Try their mulled cider during the festive season.
  • Central Library Picton Reading Room – A quiet haven hidden inside the Central Library, relax with a book or study in peace.
  • Bluecoat Garden – Tucked away in the Bluecoat centre for contemporary arts is the cosy garden, perfect for an afternoon coffee.

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