Research in Earth and Environmental Sciences

In Earth Sciences at Liverpool and Manchester, we aim to understand the earth from the core to surface. We employ field, laboratory and numerical techniques to provide an integrated approach to some of the most fundamental questions in our science, from understanding earthquakes to characterizing the colour of dinosaur skin! 

We have unique, extensive and world-leading laboratory facilities for rock deformation, electron microscopy, geomagnetism, volcanology and isotopes. We also passionate about fieldwork and conduct field studies in all parts of the globe. There is a tremendous breadth in our Earth Science research and we are internationally recognised for our studies of both the solid earth and earth surface processes. 

Our Environmental Science research examines the geochemical and biological controls on the cycling of toxic elements and nutrients at the Earth’s surface. From arsenic in groundwater and radionuclides in the geosphere, to organics cycling in the Arctic and pedogenic processes in peatlands and grasslands, we determine the complex biogeo-mechanisms involved. 

Mineralogical and microbiological techniques supported by post-genomic methodologies provide information at macro to molecular scales that will determine remediation strategies and the control on and effects of climate change.  Biomineralisation and its technological uses, genetic/functional diversity of microbial soil communities, and the safe geological disposal of nuclear waste are major areas of research.