Ocean Facilities

Ocean Sciences offers state-of the-art facilities for student projects. There is an up to date stable isotope facility, which contains isotope ratio mass spectrometers coupled to gas and elemental analysers that can determine the C, N, H and O isotope composition in organic material, specific organic compounds, liquids and gases. In the trace metal laboratory, students are trained to use voltammetry for detection of metals, metal speciation and ligands. 

Students at NOC and Liverpool use gliders within shelf seas to obtain and interpret new turbulence, salinity and nutrient measurements. PhD students also benefit by having the British Oceanographic Data Centre (BODC) at Liverpool, enabling on-site advice about data availability, data protocols and data management. Students with numerical modelling components access and use the NOC cluster (~1200 cores), though we routinely use the larger national supercomputing resource on a project by project basis. Additionally, the NOC provides access to in-house observational platforms equipped with state-of-the-art acoustic and optical instruments for observations of coastal / estuarine hydrodynamics and sediment dynamics.