CDT Easter School 2015


The CDT Easter School is an annual event that brings together world-leading experts – who are actively involved in research relating to aspects of uncertainty quantification and the analysis of complex systems – to provide focused training during a dedicated week.

This is a unique opportunity, provided through the CDT, to learn from such experts: senior in their areas of specialism, and the authors of fundamental textbooks. The initial CDT Easter School, took place in April 2015 at the University of Liverpool, providing the unique opportunity for delegates to learn directly from the following 3 experts:

  • Professor Mircea Grigoriu, Cornell University, USA
  • Professor Rudolf Kruse, Magdeburg University, Germany
  • Professor Joseph Zarka, MZ Intelligent Systems, France

Each of these experts gave a series of master-classes and associated problem-based tutorial sessions over the first four days which are available to view online via the links below.  Days 2 through 5 will be available soon

Day 1 - Probability Theory and Random Functions

Professor Mircea Grigoriu

Probability Theory (1 of 2)

Probability Theory (2 of 2)

Random Functions (1 of 2)

Random Functions (2 of 2)

Applications of Probability Theory & Random Functions (Tutorial Session) 

Day 2 - Knowledge-Based Systems, Bayes Networks and Markov Networks

Professor Rudolf Kruse

Knowledge-Based Systems (1 of 2)

Knowledge-Based Systems (2 of 2)

Bayes Networks and Markov Networks (1 of 2)

Bayes Networks and Markov Networks (2 of 2)

Applications of Knowledge-Based Systems and Bayes/Markov Networks (Tutorial Session 1 of 2)

Applications of Knowledge-Based Systems and Bayes/Markov Networks (Tutorial Session 2 of 2)

Day 3 - Optimal Design, Optimisation Approaches and Advanced Intelligent Design of Complex Problems

Professor Joseph Zarka,

Optimal Design and Optimisation Approaches (1 of 2)

Optimal Design and Optimisation Approaches (1 of 2)

Advanced Intelligent Design of Complex Problems (1 of 2)

Advanced Intelligent Design of Complex Problems (2 of 2)

Applications of Intelligent Systems and Optimisation (Tutorial Session 1 of 2)

Applications of Intelligent Systems and Optimisation (Tutorial Session 2 of 2)