Coast line being hit by large waves

Climate futures

Discover how we're responding to the global climate crisis and climate change through our high-quality research.

The global impacts of climate change and environmental degradation are among the greatest threats to public health, the global economy, and biodiversity.

At Liverpool, we're harnessing our high-quality, multi-disciplinary climate research expertise spanning climate science, emissions reduction, energy transition, food sustainability, air quality, new materials discovery, behaviour insights, risk communication, community engagement and the development of new sustainable technologies for the future.

Working with collaborators at a global, national, and local scale, we're aligning these strengths to explore the impacts of climate change, develop solutions to environmental challenges and address knowledge gaps in the transition to a lower carbon society.

We undertake funded and commissioned research and consultancy activities, share evidence with policymakers and contribute to international climate negotiations. We also provide regular thought leadership to inform the wider public about the climate challenges we're facing and our innovative ideas for tackling them.

Our climate futures research aligns closely with the University’s commitment to sustainability.

Our climate research areas

Science Pollution from a chemical plant


Learn how our research is exploring ways to address the global climate crisis and climate change.

Society Climate action protest


We're exploring the impact of climate change on society and ecosystems. Find out more.

Solutions Solar panels on a row of houses


Find out how we're developing mitigation solutions to reduce harmful emissions.

Climate Futures: Developing Net Zero Solutions Using Research and Innovation

The IPCC report is clear – human induced climate change has caused global warming and it’s getting worse. To reach net zero we must act now. At the University of Liverpool, we are responding to this challenge. Our analysis of climate models into the oceans directly contributed to the IPCC report.

Meet some of our leading academics in this area:


Professor Ric Williams

Earth, Ocean and Ecological Sciences

View staff profile for Professor Ric Williams
Dr Jenny Hodgson

Dr Jenny Hodgson

UKRI Future Leaders Fellow, Evolution, Ecology and Behaviour

View staff profile for Dr Jenny Hodgson
Professor Matthew Baylis

Professor Matthew Baylis

Livestock and One Health

View staff profile for Professor Matthew Baylis
Professor Alessandro Tagliabue

Professor Alessandro Tagliabue

Earth, Ocean and Ecological Sciences

View staff profile for Professor Alessandro Tagliabue
Professor Andy Morse

Professor Andy Morse

Professor of Climate Impacts, Geography and Planning

View staff profile for Professor Andy Morse
James Lea

Dr James Lea

UKRI Future Leaders Fellow, Geography and Planning

View staff profile for Dr James Lea
Professor Karl Whittle

Professor Karl Whittle

Professor of Zero Carbon and Nuclear Energy, Engineering

View staff profile for Professor Karl Whittle
Professor Kate Parr

Professor Kate Parr

Earth, Ocean and Ecological Sciences

View staff profile for Professor Kate Parr
Laurence Hardwick

Professor Laurence Hardwick

Director, Stephenson Institute for Renewable Energy

View staff profile for Professor Laurence Hardwick
Georgina Endfield

Professor Georgina Endfield

Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Research Environment and Postgraduate Research

View staff profile for Professor Georgina Endfield
Professor Andy Plater

Professor Andy Plater

Academic lead, Low Carbon Eco-Innovatory

View staff profile for Professor Andy Plater
Professor Alexander Cowan

Professor Alexander Cowan

Director, UK Solar Fuels Network

View staff profile for Professor Alexander Cowan
Dr Raj Whitlock

Dr Raj Whitlock

Evolution, Ecology and Behaviour

View staff profile for Dr Raj Whitlock
Professor Jonathan Rushton

Professor Jonathan Rushton

Livestock and One Health

View staff profile for Professor Jonathan Rushton
Dr Stephen Finnegan

Dr Stephen Finnegan

Director, Zero Carbon Research Initiative

View staff profile for Dr Stephen Finnegan
Person in front of water and rocks

Dr Nova Mieszkowska

Earth, Ocean and Ecological Sciences

View staff profile for Dr Nova Mieszkowska