News in Brief – February 2022

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Featured News 

Visiting Artist: Jennifer Vanderpool

The Philosophy of Digital Images: Data, Dank Memes and Deep Fakes 


How to Change Minds and Influence People


Philosophy Department Hosts the Ethics Cup!



Michael Hauskeller spoke at the Fourth International Conference on Philosophy and Meaning in Life on 17 January 2022. His paper was on ‘Why we need a subjectivist account of meaning in life’. 

Rachael Wiseman and Clare Mac Cumhaill were interviewed on 31 January about their new book for the On Philosophy, a public philosophy series hosted by The Philosopher talks series. The transcript and video will be available soon.  

Vid Simoniti was interviewed by Jack Symes for Panpsycast. The first installment on ‘Art and the Future’ is out now! And if you missed them, also two episodes with Thomas Schramme on ‘nudges’ and public health. Listen to them all here. 

Simon Hailwood stepped down as editor of the journal Environmental Values. In recognition of his patient and generous mentoring of authors, the journal has announced the ‘Simon Hailwood Essay Prize’ to be awarded annually to an early career or returning scholar.  

Thanks to the incredible work of Laura Gow the department hosted its first ‘Ethics Cup’. Pupils from eight local schools competed in this regional heat, with the two winning schools going forward to a national final later in the year. Look out for a news item coming soon! 


Forthcoming Events 

The department’s bi-weekly Stapledon colloquium begins on Thursday 10 February at 3pm. The season will be opened by Dr Charlotte Newey (University of Reading), who will give a talk entitled ‘Fairness and Close Personal Relationships’. It will take place in the SOTA Library. This semester we have a mix of online and in person meetings – full details are available on our events page. 

10-Feb-22 Charlotte Newey (in person) 

24-Feb-22 Veli Mitova (online) 

10-Mar-22 Anna Alexandrova (in person) 

24-Mar-22 Aaron Meskin (online) 

28-Apr-22 Anna Bergqvist (in person) 

12-May-22 Pauline Phemister (in person) 



Michael Hauskeller’s ‘Nothing matters. Or Does it?’ appeared in Daily Philosophy.  

Thomas Schramme’s Capable deliberators: towards inclusion of minority minds in discourse practices’ is out now in Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy. 

Richard Gaskin’s ‘On being pessimistic about the end of the Aeneid’, is in Harvard Studies in Classical Philology 111. 

Entrapment, temptation and virtue testing’ by Daniel Hill, Stephen K. McLeod & Attila Tanyi is out now in Philosophical Studies.