Creativity & Critical thinking

 As a postgraduate researcher, you will use creative & critical thinking to generate new and imaginative ways to understand and evaluate ideas about your research topic and discipline.

Narration for Creativity and Critical thinking (PDF)

    Online Workshops and webinars 2020 – 2021

    All our internal workshops focus on innovative delivery and a chance to share explore and test new ideas.

    Our writing and presentation workshops cover topics such as Argument construction and critical thinking.

    We also have a series of three workshops delivered by external providers:

    • Practical Thinking for Researchers, 1 - Creative Thinking
    • Practical Thinking for Researchers, 2 - Constructive & Practical Thinking
    • Practical Thinking for Researchers, 3 - Critical Thinking


    Workshop dates are published in the Programme timetable and registration is open at least one month beforehand.




    Online provision