BBSRC Veterinary Vaccinology Network, Birmingham, UK

‘Creating a technology pipeline to support veterinary vaccine development’ [LINK]

16th and 17th February 2015 

The 1st Veterinary Vaccinology Network Conference focuses on the four network themes: Epidemiology and Economics, Novel Tools and Technologies, Protective Immunity and Immunogen Design. The conference will include plenary presentations, further presentations and interactive case studies for each theme. The aim of the case studies is to discuss novel vaccine advancement in the relevant themes, providing a forum for innovative vaccine research. Drawing innovative research together using multi-disciplinary collaborations based on the OneHealth approach.

The Case Studies will bring together established key scientists, with policymakers, those who work in industry, funders, and International organizations with the aim to discuss Veterinary Vaccinology topics. The focus in these interactive discussions will be on the development of innovative research in the Veterinary Vaccinology Field.