Welcome to the Centre for Proteome Research at the University of Liverpool
The Centre for Proteome Research is led by Professors Rob Beynon and Claire Eyers. We occupy a group of very high quality laboratories, located on the ground floor of the Biosciences Building. Our research, whether internal to the group or in collaboration with others is predominantly supported by external grant funding that helps us to meet the costs of instrument purchase, maintenance and repair.

We are a dedicated team whose research is focused on the application of proteomics and analytical mass spectrometry to the analysis of biological systems. Our current projects include global quantitative proteome profiling, proteome-wide analysis of protein turnover, positional proteomics and discovery and comparative proteomics in a range of systems, including the NFkappaB pathway and a range of disease processes.

A key collaboration is with Professor Jane Hurst, working on the role of proteins and peptides in rodent chemical communication. For more details of this collaboration, visit the website of the Mammalian Evolution and Behaviour Group at Liverpool [

Our primary technology is mass spectrometry, and our instrumentation suite comprises thirteen instruments, ranging from ion traps to more sophisticated Orbitrap and QToF/ion mobility instruments. We operate almost exclusively in nanoflow mode, delivering samples at 300nL/minute. Surrounding this instrumentation is a range of tools for separation science and analytical protein chemistry.

From 2011, we have offered a proteomics service as a ‘core’ facility, although we are rather more engaged than simply being a ‘hole in the wall’ where samples are deposited.

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