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Dr. Theofilis’ research interests lie in the prediction and control of fluid flow instabilities at all speed regimes. In particular, he specialises in the areas of global linear and nonlinear instability of flows with multiple inhomogeneous spatial directions and the associated numerical solution of large eigenvalue and initial-value problems governing small-amplitude disturbances in such flows. Applications of current interest include attached and separated boundary layer flows, vortex systems in the wake of three-dimensional wings, flow over aircraft fuselages and submarines, supersonic flow over compression ramps and hypersonic flows over elliptic cone and double-cone geometries, including instability analysis of shock-wave / boundary-layer interaction and hypersonic laminar-turbulent transition.

Funded Fellowships

  • Ramón y Cajal Research Fellowship (Ministry of Science and Education, Spain, 2002)
  • Alexander von Humboldt Research Fellowship, DLR Göttingen (Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, 1996)