The years top 10 science stories, chosen by scientists
We are pleased to announce that one of our publications has been chosen by top scientists as one of the top 10 science stories for an article in The Guardian. The King's College led study, in collaboration with us here at the Pain Research Institute University of Liverpool and the Karolinska Institute, shows that many of the symptoms in fibromyalgia syndrome are caused by antibodies increasing the activity of pain-sensing nerves
The article reads;
Fibromyalgia – characterised by widespread pain, crippling fatigue and emotional distress – affects 1 in 40 people, predominantly women, but has no known cause or cure. Like many other chronic pain conditions, it is considered a “functional neurological disorder”, best explained by differences in how the brain processes and attends to pain signals. The current treatments therefore include CBT and stepped exercise, but have limited efficacy.
You can read the article in the Guardian here or alternatively read the University blog link here