David Pang Spotlight
I am currently a Consultant in Pain Management at the Guy’s and St Thomas Hospital London with an interest in neuromodulation and pain management in children. My appointment was in 2012 after completing my anaesthetic training in London. I have an active involvement in the numerous pain research projects at St Thomas hospital which focuses on implanted devices for the management of chronic pain.
My career started after graduation from the University of Aberdeen in 1997 where I trained in paediatrics initially and then switched to anaesthesia in 2004. One area that has always been motivating in my journey has been an interest in evidence based medicine and keeping up with the latest developments in clinical medicine. Much of the research I had been involved in was performed as part of industry sponsored research where a lot of the groundwork was done by their teams. I had the privilege to collaborate with Dr Andreas Goebel in a multicentre randomised controlled trial in the use of low dose immunoglobulin for treating complex regional pain syndrome(CRPS). This was an excellent example of how a multicentre clinical trial was performed successfully even though the results were not clinically significant.
It was a great honour that Dr Goebel offered me an opportunity to collaborate on a new project on complex regional pain syndrome using an interleukin-1 receptor blocker(Anakinra) based on his groundbreaking laboratory preliminary research on the immunological mechanisms of CRPS. This is now part of my doctorate with the University of Liverpool.