National Smile Power Day 2020

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National Smile Power Day 2020

As today is National Smile Power Day, it encourages us to always present a smile from the start of the day as when you smile at someone you are telling them they are valued and worth the smile you just gave them.

The national day prompts everyone to smile even those who are having troubling times such an episode of unemployment, having family troubles or financial issues, research has proven that smiling really does increase atttractiveness and likability between humans as well as creating greater trust and increased interpersonal cooperation.

For those living with Chronic Pain, smiling and laughter is the last thing anyone would want to do as these are not the natural facial expressions that occur when in pain, after all it is not laughing matter.

However we have come across some Gelotology (The study of laughter and its effects on the body) and found that there is such thing as laughter therapy for Chronic Pain. Among the physical benefits of laughter are reduced pain, boosted immunity, lower cholesterol, lower blood pressure and relaxed muscles.

Psychologically, laughter helps to relieve stress, reduce anxiety, improve mood and improves confidence. Laughter releases endorphins helping you to de-stress and relax providing some distraction from the pain.

There are many laughter therapy books and courses available online

So remember a smile goes a long way not only can it help boost moods, if you add some laughter you may be able to experience some of the physical benefits too.