"emily holtom" blog posts

My year abroad: The one with the French culture shock

My year abroad: The one with the French culture shock

After being in France for a few weeks, the initial excitement of moving to another country has started to dwindle and is instead being replaced with a sort of limbo-like feeling. I officially live in France, but I’m still not quite used to the complexities of Rennes life and culture. The things that were exotic and fascinating at first now seem confusing and disorientating. We were warned about experiencing culture shock in Liverpool’s pre-departure briefings, but it’s only now that I’m realising that that’s exactly what this comedown is. To help new travellers out, I’ve prepared a list of things to look out for, things to be warned about and things to get you hyped up about going abroad:

Posted on: 17 April 2020

My year abroad: The one with the first week in France (part two)Rennes 2 campus

My year abroad: The one with the first week in France (part two)

After meeting the other Erasmus students in Rennes, Emily continues her first week of studying in France by boxing off the admin jobs and going to her first lectures.

Posted on: 3 April 2020

My year abroad: The one with the first week in France (part one)

My year abroad: The one with the first week in France (part one)

“Just over a week has passed by in my new home, in my new country, and so many incredible things have happened.” In fact, so many things happened in Emily’s first week of her Study Abroad adventure that we’ve split this entry into two parts. In part one, Emily gets to know her fellow Erasmus students and check out the sights of the city.

Posted on: 23 March 2020