"christmas" blog posts

Christmas markets in HamburgHamburg city skyline at night during Christmas, with a lit up christmas tree in the foreground

Christmas markets in Hamburg

Year Abroad student Lewis shares his experience of the Christmas markets in Hamburg

Posted on: 22 December 2021

How is Christmas celebrated around the world?A Christmas tree overlooking a beach in the Canary Islands

How is Christmas celebrated around the world?

With Christmas right around the corner, lecturers from the University of Liverpool's Department of Modern Languages and Cultures share some of the traditions enjoyed by their country of expertise each Christmas.

Posted on: 14 December 2020

Best Places to Find the Ultimate International Festive Food in Liverpool in 2019

Best Places to Find the Ultimate International Festive Food in Liverpool in 2019

We've put together a list of the best festive food and drinks from around the world that you can pick up in Liverpool this year.

Posted on: 4 December 2019