Dr John Curtis MB ChB, FRCP, DMRD, FRCR

Course Lead - Medical Physics and Imaging School of Medicine


Personal Statement

A graduate of Liverpool Medical School in 1987, Dr Curtis trained in Mersey was appointed a Consultant Radiologist at University Hospital Aintree in 1997.

His clinical interests are in general, chest and emergency radiology along with a strong interest in Medical Education.

A Fellow of both the Royal College of Physicians and Royal College of Radiologists, Dr Curtis was Head of School, Mersey School of Radiology from 2008-17 and is currently Training Programme Director for ST5-6 in the HEENW School of Radiology.

Founder/organiser of the Aintree FRCR Course which has been running since 2002.

Prizes or Honours

  • The Gold Medal of the Royal College of Radiologists (Royal College of Radiologists, 2017)
  • Royal College of Radiologists Junior Radiologists’ Forum Trainer Award. (Royal College of Radiologists , 2014)