The Centre for Mathematical Imaging Techniques (CMIT) views the development of mathematical techniques as a key for imaging science. Relevant to the University of Liverpool and its associated institutions, the ambitious objectives of CMIT are three fold:

  1. To highlight the University research strengths in Imaging Techniques, Technologies and Applications;
  2. To promote research and development of mathematical imaging techniques at research frontiers of various application disciplines;
  3. To facilitate the collaboration efforts of various imaging groups in developing mutually beneficial (mathematical) tools for knowledge advancement.

We strive to reach the ideal equilibrium where applied mathematicians tackle the real life cutting edge problems and scientists and engineers make use of the state-of-the-art mathematical techniques. We aim to achieve and maintain research excellence in both mathematics and sciences. This is not another research centre to provide consultancies or to encourage you to work with mathemticians only. You are welcome to approach and collaborate with any experts associated with CMIT directly or we can put you in touch with them quickly.

In the University of Liverpool and neighbouring institutions, various research units / departments / schools use and research on imaging technology; these include:

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