Online Teaching and Learning Experience

In terms of our teaching provision for the academic year 2021-22, we are not planning that there will be any large group lectures, delivered either in person or via online substitutes synchronously. These will instead be replaced by asynchronous materials, which students can access via the excellent CANVAS Virtual Learning Environment. These asynchronous recordings are not simply replications of lectures, but will break topics into smaller, digestible chunks utilising active learning principles and we have received excellent student feedback on this provision as against the more traditional lecture, as it made material more accessible and easier to reference and digest.

Alongside this, module delivery will take place through synchronous, seminar teaching sessions, delivered face-to-face, with new social distancing and hygiene measures in place. If needs dictate, we will be able to seamlessly transition these synchronous classes to purely online methods, without losing any of the learning experience, but we are all looking forward to being on campus, so hope the need to deliver seminars online does not arise.