Module Details |
The information contained in this module specification was correct at the time of publication but may be subject to change, either during the session because of unforeseen circumstances, or following review of the module at the end of the session. Queries about the module should be directed to the member of staff with responsibility for the module. |
Code | PHYS807 | ||
Coordinator |
Professor AJ Boston Physics |
Year | CATS Level | Semester | CATS Value |
Session 2024-25 | Level 7 FHEQ | Whole Session | 15 |
Aims |
To give a practical and theoretical knowledge of neutron detection using gas and scintillation detectors. To use a modelling code to predict detector performance |
Learning Outcomes |
(LO1) To be able to describe the interaction of neutrons with materials. |
(LO2) To be able to describe the construction and operating principles of gas and scintillation detectors. |
(LO3) To set up and use neutron detectors. |
(LO4) To use the MCNP code to model detector performance. |
(LO5) To develop a simulation for the solution of an authentic neutron-detection problem. |
(S1) Problem solving skills |
(S2) Mathematical skills |
(S3) Analytical skills |
(S4) ICT / Computational skills |
(S5) Investigative skills |
(S6) Communication skills |
Syllabus |
1 The nature and origin of neutrons, interaction of neutrons with matter. BF3 proportional counters; fundamentals, wall effects, boron lined detectors. 3He counters; fundamentals and use for spectrometry. Fission chambers. 6Li scintillation detectors. Fast neutron detection and spectrometry. Self-powered neutron detectors. Neutron detectors for reactor instrumentation. The modelling uses the MCNP to investigate the performance of 3He detectors and to gain an understanding of their operational parameters (pressure, size etc). Results are compared to experiment. The effects of moderation, scattering and collimation are then investigated in the model. An information search on the practical characteristics of commercially available neutron detectors aimed at providing solutions to applied problems in the nuclear industry. A written report will cover this work and the solution to an applied neutron detection problem including the model simulation of the situation. |
Teaching and Learning Strategies |
Teaching Method 1 |
Teaching Schedule |
Lectures | Seminars | Tutorials | Lab Practicals | Fieldwork Placement | Other | TOTAL | |
Study Hours |
8 |
25 |
33 | ||||
Timetable (if known) | |||||||
Private Study | 117 | ||||||
Assessment |
EXAM | Duration | Timing (Semester) |
% of final mark |
Resit/resubmission opportunity |
Penalty for late submission |
Notes |
CONTINUOUS | Duration | Timing (Semester) |
% of final mark |
Resit/resubmission opportunity |
Penalty for late submission |
Notes |
Assessment 1 There is a resit opportunity. Standard UoL penalty applies for late submission. This is an anonymous assessment. Assessment Schedule (When) :n/a | 0 | 50 | ||||
Assessment 2 There is a resit opportunity. Standard UoL penalty applies for late submission. This is not an anonymous assessment. Assessment Schedule (When) :n/a | 0 | 50 |
Recommended Texts |
Reading lists are managed at Click here to access the reading lists for this module. |