Modern Languages and Cultures |
The information contained in this module specification was correct at the time of publication but may be subject to change, either during the session because of unforeseen circumstances, or following review of the module at the end of the session. Queries about the module should be directed to the member of staff with responsibility for the module. |
Code | MODL307 | ||
Coordinator |
Dr ST Yiacoup Languages, Cultures and Film |
Year | CATS Level | Semester | CATS Value |
Session 2024-25 | Level 6 FHEQ | Whole Session | 30 |
Pre-requisites before taking this module (other modules and/or general educational/academic requirements): |
Modules for which this module is a pre-requisite: |
Co-requisite modules: |
Teaching Schedule |
Lectures | Seminars | Tutorials | Lab Practicals | Fieldwork Placement | Other | TOTAL | |
Study Hours |
9 |
9 | |||||
Timetable (if known) | |||||||
Private Study | 291 | ||||||
Assessment |
EXAM | Duration | Timing (Semester) |
% of final mark |
Resit/resubmission opportunity |
Penalty for late submission |
Notes |
CONTINUOUS | Duration | Timing (Semester) |
% of final mark |
Resit/resubmission opportunity |
Penalty for late submission |
Notes |
Standard UoL penalties will apply There will be a resit opportunity. This cannot be marked anonymously. | 0 | 10 | ||||
There is a reassessment opportunity. Standard UoL penalties will apply. This is an anonymous assessment. | 0 | 85 | ||||
This cannot be marked anonymously. Standard UoL penalties will apply There will be a resit opportunity. | 0 | 5 |
Aims |
To give students the opportunity to carry out independent research at an advanced level, with appropriate support, into a cultural, literary or linguistic topic of interest to them; To draw on and extend the skills and knowledge of relevant cultural, literary or linguistic issues and theoretical debates students have acquired in their taught modules; To produce a piece of individual research which presents an argument developed over 10,000 words, usually divided into Introduction, three chapters, and Conclusion. |
Learning Outcomes |
(LO1) Utilise a variety of bibliographical tools to locate a range of primary and secondary sources on which to base a research project. |
(LO2) Construct, focus and structure an independent project, in discussion with a personal supervisor working in that subject area. |
(LO3) Analyse source materials, and develop coherent and original arguments on the basis of research. |
(LO4) Engage critically with relevant cultural, literary or linguistic and / or theoretical debates on the topic. |
(LO5) Manage time effectively and efficiently and plan a long-term process of research, reading and writing. |
(LO6) Present a confident and coherent argument in clear written prose, following scholarly conventions of referencing and bibliography. |
(S1) Personal attributes and qualities - initiative |
(S2) Information skills - information accessing: locating relevant information. Identifying and evaluating information sources |
(S3) Information skills - critical reading |
(S4) Communication (oral, written and visual) - influencing skills – argumentation |
(S5) Communication (oral, written and visual) - academic writing (including referencing skills) |
(S6) Time and project management - personal organisation |
(S7) Time and project management - project planning |
(S8) Time and project management - project management |
(S9) Critical thinking and problem solving - critical analysis |
(S10) Research skills - all information skills |
Teaching and Learning Strategies |
The majority of teaching will be delivered face-to-face on campus. Online delivery will be used to complement the on-campus delivery and where technology affords a better learning experience. Tutorial: |
Syllabus |
Students who choose to do the dissertation will receive guidance from their respective supervisors during the first four weeks of Semester 1. Subsequently, students will meet their supervisor five times across both semesters. This ensures that all students receive an equal amount of supervision over the course of the year, and means that, after week 4, students should meet with their supervisor once a month. A dissertation is an extended piece of research (10,000 words) that develops an original argument about a particular cultural, literary or linguistic issue of students' own choice. This originality will usually come from their own analysis of primary sources, allowing them to test the conclusions of scholars in their field. Students can also treat the writings of scholars as a primary source, by exploring the changing ways in which they have approached a given topic. Alternatively, dissertations may take the form of an in-depth critical evaluation of a particula r academic controversy, or a particular scholar's work. All dissertations are expected to incorporate this kind of original research or argument. Students will submit a formative research proposal by the end of Week six. The submission deadline for the dissertation is the Monday of Week 11, Semester two. |
Recommended Texts |
Reading lists are managed at Click here to access the reading lists for this module. |