Module Specification

The information contained in this module specification was correct at the time of publication but may be subject to change, either during the session because of unforeseen circumstances, or following review of the module at the end of the session. Queries about the module should be directed to the member of staff with responsibility for the module.
Title Power Systems Analysis & Dynamics
Code ELEC402
Coordinator Dr C Zachariades
Electrical Engineering and Electronics
Year CATS Level Semester CATS Value
Session 2024-25 Level 7 FHEQ First Semester 15


The module aims to provide the students with the background necessary to undertand the steady state and dynamic behaviour of power systems, which will enable them to analyse, model and design such systems.

Pre-requisites before taking this module (other modules and/or general educational/academic requirements):


Co-requisite modules:

ELEC435 Renewable Energy & Smart Grid 2024-25 

Learning Outcomes

(LO1) Analyse simple AC circuits using calculations and phasor diagrams.

(LO2) Calculate per-unit quantities.

(LO3) Calculate power flow in 2-bus power systems using the analytical method.

(LO4) Compute power flow in complex power systems using numerical methods.

(LO5) Calculate fault quantities, such as fault currents and short circuit levels, in power systems.

(LO6) Use software tools to analyse the steady-state and faulted behaviour of power systems.

(LO7) Calculate steady state changes in frequency following load disturbances in single or two-area (interconnected) power systems.

(LO8) Model power system components such as synchronous machines, transformers and transmission lines.

(LO9) Evaluate the small-disturbance stability and large-disturbance (transient) stability of a power system.

(LO10) Apply appropriate measures to improve power system stability.



1. Circuit analysis: lumped elements, Kirchhoff’s laws, circuit reduction, Thevenin and Norton equivalent circuits, capacitive and inductive elements.

2. AC power: sinusoidal time functions, impedance and admittance, phasors, energy and power, complex power, RMS amplitude, three-phase systems.

3. The per-unit system of units: power transformers, per-unit calculations.

4. Power flow: through and impedance, through a short transmission line, transmission limits, 2-bus power flow.

5. Advanced methods for power flow: Newton Raphson, Fast Decoupled Power Flow, DC Power Flow.

6. Power system faults: causes, classification and types, symmetrical faults, asymmetrical faults.

7. Frequency control and regulation: synchronous generator, frequency regulation, frequency control, generation control modelling, frequency in interconnected systems.

8. Dynamic modelling of major power system components and controls: powe r system loads, excitation systems, governors.

9. Small and large-disturbance (transient) stability: modelling and control requirements, methodologies, tools and techniques.

10. Enhancement of power system stability: methodologies, tuning of power system controllers.

Teaching and Learning Strategies

Due to Covid-19, one or more of the following delivery methods will be implemented based on the current local conditions and the situation of registered students.:

(a) Hybrid delivery, with social distancing on Campus
Teaching Method 1 - On-line asynchronous lectures
Description: Lectures to explain the material
Attendance Recorded: No

Teaching Method 2 - Synchronous face to face tutorials
Description: Tutorials on the Assignments and Problem Sheets
Attendance Recorded: Yes

(b) Fully online delivery and assessment
Teaching Method 1 - On-line asynchronous lectures
Description: Lectures to explain the material
Attendance Recorded: No

Teaching Method 2 - On-line synchronous tutorials
Description: Tutorials on the Assignments and Problem Sheets
Attendance Recorded: Yes

(c) Standard on-campus delivery with minimal social distancing
Teaching Method 1 - Lecture
Description: Lectures to explain the material
Attendance Recorded: Yes

Teaching Method 2 - Tutorial
Description: Tutorials on the Assignments and Problem Sheets
Attendance Recorded: Yes

Teaching Schedule

  Lectures Seminars Tutorials Lab Practicals Fieldwork Placement Other TOTAL
Study Hours 24



Timetable (if known)              
Private Study 100


EXAM Duration Timing
% of
Penalty for late
Formal written exam This is an anonymous assessment. Assessment Schedule (When) :Semester 1 examination period There is a resit opportunity. Standard UoL penalty applies for late submission.    70       
CONTINUOUS Duration Timing
% of
Penalty for late
Power flow, fault analysis and additional renewable generation integration studies. There is a resit opportunity. Standard UoL penalty applies for late submission. This is not an anonymous asse    30       

Reading List

Reading lists are managed at Click here to access the reading lists for this module.