Society for the Social History of Medicine Conference 2018 - Call for Papers!

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Victoria Gallery Museum, University of Liverpool.

Conformity, Dialogue and Deviance in Health and Medicine

Closing date for submissions: 5pm, Friday 2 February 2018

Hosted by The Centre for the Humanities and Social Sciences of Health, Medicine and Technology.

The Society for the Social History of Medicine hosts a major, biennial, international, and interdisciplinary conference, and from 11-13 July 2018 it will meet in Liverpool to explore the theme of ‘Conformity, Resistance, Dialogue and Deviance in Health and Medicine’.

This broad theme plays on several levels. It reflects local Liverpool health heritage as a site of public health innovation; independent and at times radical approaches to health politics, health inequalities, health determinants, treatment and therapies (including technological innovation, community and collective practices, and the use of arts in health).

The conference is not exclusive in terms of its theme, and welcomes proposals that consider all topics relevant to histories of health and medicine. Submissions are not restricted to any area of study: we welcome a range of disciplinary approaches, time periods and geographical contexts. Submissions from scholars across the range of career stages are most welcome, and especially from postgraduate and early career researchers.

Further information and a list of possible topics can be found here.

Individual submissions should include a 250 word abstract, including five key words and a one paragraph CV/resume with contact information.
Panel submissions should include three papers (each with a 250 word abstract, including five key words and a short CV), a chair, and a 100-word panel abstract.
Round table submissions should include the names of four participants (each with a short CV), a chair, a 500-word abstract and five key words.
We also invite poster presentations, short films and ideas for new sessions.

All submissions and enquiries to be sent to