Capital Investment Planning Group
Committee description
Secretary: Governance Team, Email:
Terms of Reference
On behalf of the Senior Leadership Team, the Capital Investment Planning Group will:
- Oversee the management of the University 5 year capital investment plan – estate, IT and equipment ensuring alignment with agreed strategic and planning objectives;
- Receive and review annual reports on the estate, equipment, student accommodation and funding;
- Ensure that investment planning aligns fully with sustainable development objectives;
- Monitor performance and provide oversight of agreed investment plans and key developments against aims, objectives and targets;
- Review and make recommendations on business investment cases (land and buildings) ensuring that proposals are fully aligned with University planning priorities and that the benefits, whole life costs and risks are fully and clearly identified;
- Under delegated authority, approve capital equipment cases up to a value of £2m.*
- Make recommendations for changes to the planned investment programme to meet changing needs and priorities within the agreed financial framework;
- Ensure effective development of frameworks, policies and procedures relating to Capital Investment Planning and Governance.
Reporting Relationships
The Capital Investment Planning Group reports to the Senior Leadership Team and through to the Finance and Resources Committee.
Frequency of Meetings
The Capital Investment Planning Group usually meets on five occasions during the academic year.
The quorum for meetings of the Capital Investment Planning Group shall be half of the membership.
* Capital financial delegated authority levels stated only apply to those projects already identified in the Capital Plan.
Any projects that could be considered sensitive should still be reported to Council for approval, even if these projects are lower in value.