Luminescence Dating Laboratory - Publications

Publications for improving our understanding of luminescence properties of the quartz and feldspar dosimeter and dating procedures:

  • Shen and Lang, 2015. Quartz fast component optically-stimulated luminescence: towards routine extraction for dating applications. Radiation Measurement, in press.
  • Shen and Mauz, 2012. Optical dating of young deltaic deposits on a decadal time scale. Quaternary Geochronology;
  • Hernandez, et al., 2012. Evaluating the efficiency of TT-OSL SAR protocols. Radiation Measurements
  • Shen et al., 2011. Source-trap characterization of thermally transferred OSL in quartz. J. Phys D: Appl. Phys. 44;
  • Shen and Mauz, 2011. Estimating the equivalent dose of late Pleistocene fine silt quartz from the Lower Mississippi Valley using a standardised OSL growth curve. Radiation Measurements,
  • Shen, and Mauz, 2009. De determination of quartz samples showing falling De(t) plots. Radiation Measurements,
  • Packman et al., 2007. Implications of broad dose distributions obtained with the single-aliquot regenerative-dose method on quartz fine-grains from loess, Quaternary Geochronology;
  • Poolton et al., 2006. Optical excitation processes in the near band-edge region of KAlSi3O8 and NaAlSi3O8 feldspar. Radiation Measurements;
  • Mauz and Lang, 2004. The dose rate of beta sources for optical dating applications: A comparison between fine silt and fine sand quartz. Ancient TL 22, 45-48.
  • Banerjee et al., 2001: Equivalent dose estimation using a single aliquot of polymineral fine grains. Radiation Measurement, 33, 73-94.
  • Fuchs and Lang, 2001. OSL Dating of fluvial and coarse grained quartz using single aliquot procedures on sediments from NE-Peloponnese, Greece. Quaternary Science Reviews, 20/5-9, 783-787.

Publications for improving dose rate estimation:

  • Estimating the environmental radioactivity per unit time is a prerequisite to solve the age equation of optical dating. Issues are open system behaviour (e.g. variable water content) and internal radioactivity of the dosimeter itself.
  • Abdualhadi et al. Quantifying the Uranium Series Disequilibrium using gamma spectrometry. Radiation Measurements, in prep.
  • Mauz and Hoffmann. The internal dose rate of quartz: New empirical data. Ancient TL, in prep.
  • Mauz and Hoffmann, 2014. What to do when carbonate replaced water: Carb, the carbonate dose-rate model for estimating dose rates. Ancient TL 32, 24-32.
  • Nathan and Mauz, 2008. On the dose rate estimate of carbonate-rich sediments for trapped charge dating. Radiation Measurements,
  • Mauz et al.,2006. The alpha efficiency of silt-sized quartz: New data obtained by single and multiple aliquot protocols. Ancient TL 24, 47-52.

Publications for improving and standardising the application of optical dating to fluvial, glacial, lacustrine and coastal sediments:

  • Rousseau et al., 2014. European Glacial Dust Deposits: Geochemical Constraints on Atmospheric Dust Cycle Modelling. Geophysical Research Letters
  • Mauz 2013. Luminescence, Coastal Sediments. Encyclopedia of Scientific Dating Methods;
  • Mellet et al., 2012. Optical dating of drowned landscapes: a case study from the English Channel. Quaternary Geochronology
  • Mauz, et al. 2010. Optical dating of tidal sediments: potentials and limits inferred from the North Sea coast. Quaternary Geochronology;
  • Thrasher et al.,2009. Luminescence dating of glaciofluvial deposits: A review. Earth-Science Reviews
  • Fuchs and Lang, 2009.Luminescence dating of hillslope deposits – a review. Geomorphology 10.1016/j.geomorph.2008.08.025
  • Thrasher et al., 2009. Testing an approach to OSL dating of Late Devensian glaciofluvial sediments of the British Isles. Journal of Quaternary Science,
  • Poolton et al., 2007. Micro-imaging synchrotron-laser interactions in wide band-gap luminescent materials. Journal of Physics D: applied physics
  • Shen et al., 2007. Optical dating of Holocene lake sediments: Elimination of the feldspar component in fine silt quartz samples. Quaternary Geochronology;
  • Lang and Mauz, 2006. Towards chronologies of gully formation: optical dating of gully fill sediments from Central Europe. Quaternary Science Reviews
  • Mauz and Lang, 2004. Removal of the feldspar-derived luminescence component from polymineral fine silt samples for optical dating applications: evaluation of chemical treatment protocols and quality control procedures. Ancient TL 22, 1-8.
  • Mauz et al., 2002. The luminescence dating laboratory at the University of Bonn: Equipment and procedures. Ancient TL, 20 (2), 53-61.

Publications for applying luminescence analyses to fluvial, glacial and coastal sedimentary environments