The Keyword Conversations

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Culture, Space and Memory Research Group | Department of Communication and Media | University of Liverpool

The Culture, Space and Memory group at the Department of Communication and Media will host an event series titled The Keyword Conversations.

THE KEYWORD CONVERSATIONS will involve 4 or 5 speakers in a round-table-style setting, each presenting a 10 minute position paper that addresses, however obliquely or tenuously, ideas that will feed discussion pertaining to, after Raymond Williams, a given Keyword. Contributions can be something that engages with the Keyword head-on, or can be linked to work-in-progress that productively speaks to it in some way, or something deliberately provocative, or any other idea or research-led intervention.

The brief for each event should ideally remain as un-prescriptive as possible, keeping things wide-ranging and eclectic and, in particular, allowing specific concepts and ideas to be interrogated from an interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary perspective.

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