Emma Hobson-White, BA Architecture with a Semester in China and a Semester in Industry

Why did you apply for Study Abroad?

The main reason was because I wanted an adventure unlike anything else. I’d always been interested in going to China, so the opportunity to immerse myself in its culture (in the classroom and through travelling) was right up my street.

Tell us about your favourite memory of your time away or one thing you will never forget

I’ll never forget seeing the Great Wall in person. After seeing images of it for so many years I couldn’t believe I was actually there. Plus, it was the only day on my trip to Beijing that it wasn’t raining!

What advice would you give to someone who isn’t sure about applying?

We’re lucky enough in this day and age to have access to so many resources. Not only do you have dedicated teams both here and abroad, who are always happy to answer any questions, but online there’s plenty of websites and videos all about studying abroad.

How did studying abroad prepare you for your future career?

It’s stretched my comfort zone. I feel far more resilient and adaptable now that I’ve lived abroad, and it’s prepared me for new challenges in the future. I’ve always been interested in working abroad and this has prepared me for the challenges of living somewhere where English is not widely spoken.

Do you think Study Abroad will make you stand out when applying for jobs?

Absolutely! Already I’ve felt the benefit from jobs I’ve applied for so far where I have so much more to talk about and feel more confident in my abilities. Plus, it gives me a slight edge beyond just my degree, as I now have greater global awareness and developed my soft skills.