Study Abroad Stories

Name: Lily Henry de Villeneuve

Programme of Study: Communication and Media with International Politics

Host University and Country: University of Amsterdam, Netherlands 

Why did you apply for Study Abroad?

I applied on a whim, but it turned out to be the best impulse decision of my life!

Would you encourage others to apply and do you have any tips for prospective Study Abroad students?

I would encourage anyone to apply. My advice would be to not think of all the things that could go wrong and instead see it as an adventure.

What are the benefits of studying abroad?

There are many benefits and they are different for everyone. But for me it taught me a lot about independence and I made amazing friendships, learning about so many different cultures in the process.

Tell us about your favourite memory of your time away or one thing you will never forget

One evening with two Canadian friends, rushing on our bikes down a street by a lit canal, with beautiful Dutch houses on either side and wind in our hair. 

How did study abroad prepare you for your future career?

Before studying abroad, I was so scared of dropping everything to start anew. Since, I know that I can fulfil my thirst for adventure and still keep all my friends back home. I think this is very valuable in a career as I would be the first to volunteer if they needed someone to work for them abroad.