Lunar Recreation Habitat 1.0

Ryan Jones & Li Yin Lim

Lunar Recreation Habitat

An Extraterrestrial architectural project focussed specifically upon the emerging industry of Lunar Tourism. Through this extreme design scenario in the most extreme of physical conditions, we are challenging the possibilities for the future of additive manufacturing and robotics in the field of architectural construction. This in turn, has allowed us to explore the boundaries of architectural design on a separate celestial body, in contrast to the exclusively engineered functionality of all previous space constructions to date.

Focussing on Lunar Tourism, we have re-developed the design principles taken for granted in earth bound schemes, tailoring all design elements to the lunar environment and the experiential expectations of wealthy untrained clients. Thus encouraging inhabitants to become one with the building through interaction with unique and challenging solutions to ordinarily mundane processes, made possible by the difference in gravity, atmosphere and heat on the lunar surface.

Furthermore, we aim to define the meaning of lunar architecture in the physical realm and through the reliance upon 3D printing and robotics in the theoretical realisation of our design, examine the role of the architect in this automated future.